The World Press is like a motorcycle license, I'll have forever. Since the time I got done. Note that falls well because according AgoraVox, the Citizen Media " the photojournalism contest fond staging the misfortunes of others purveyor of hearing." Periodically, we did it for photographers who live on the misfortunes of others. In AgoraVox, they know what issue information. Precisely, they find that this information is far too serious to be left to professionals and it is better to entrust to amateurs to avoid misinformation and manipulation (given by journalists sold to the powers of money and lobbyists?).
is a teacher who lets off steam in an open forum on the World Press Photo and its awards. It is a Cador, he wrote books on information such as: "The Media, the manipulation of minds, lures and illusions." The problem with teachers is that they take the rest of the population for their students and they are given the task of educating them. With journalists, another breed, but it is the greatest purveyors of crap that the world has ever worn. The evidence I messed up my studies and I'm subscribed to lots of newspapers. But I look at the photos for me not manipulated. I was doing it! I know that all ducks are owned by large industrial groups who live in public procurement or billionaires who are shareholders.
Her husband Taliban cut the nose and ears of this
young woman who had dared to complain against him
for acts of violence. He is the brother of the victim who
immobilized while her husband was committing this atrocity
. This photo made the front page of TIME Magazine
. Never would a French press A
with this picture. That is clear.
According to this teacher: " black eyes and severe corner of the woman fixed the drive, according to the method of the image into abyss, simulating an exchange with him: reversed in a reflex of voyeurism, it seems that watching the effect it produced on its dismemberment or at least it takes to witness his tragedy . But especially for this guy, putting out of context is a process constituent of the photographic image and thus, he did say anything ...
So him with his palms he has the academic " reflex methodical doubt" and a gripping story shortcut we did it in Timisoara and incubators to come to Baghdad In support of his brilliant demonstration. In addition, he is magnanimous, not to sully the photographer who did it, it does not even quote his name and does not credit the photo.
Read "Open Forum" such arrogant on Agoravox
Frozen Piglet
You can even leave comments on his idiocy.
I can not sack the conspiracy
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