May 15, 2011 MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, February 16 2011 - 20:30
Special meeting of January 24
The City Council met Monday, January 24, 2011 at 18:30 under the chairmanship of Mayor Roland VINCENT.Présents: DUIVON Ginette, Mireille CHABOT, VINCENT Marlene Gil Barrot, Jean-Paul Ventajol. BROWN Didier Fricaud Annie DELLA LIBERA Stephanie Absent: BAUME PascalSecrétaire Session: Mireille CHABOTAprès studying prices of similar vehicles, the council is called upon to decide to purchase the vehicle is proposed: truck FORD TRANSIT 2006 with 46000 km the overall amount of 13 000 €. This money will be decided on the budget "Water Sanitation 2010". Voted against: DUIVON Ginette Fricaud DELLA LIBERA Annie and Stephanie.
The City Council met Wednesday, February 16, 2011 at 18:30 under the chairmanship of Mayor Roland VINCENT.
Present: Ginette DUIVON, Mireille CHABOT, VINCENT Marlene Gil Barrot, Jean-Paul Ventajol. Didier BROWN, Annie Fricaud
Absent: Stephanie and LIBERA DELLA BROWN Didier
Proxy: DELLA LIBERA Stephanie gives proxy to Fricaud Annie
Secretary: Mireille CHABOT
The meeting opened by distributing a letter of resignation BALM VINCENT Pascal delivered by Marlene. The mayor noted the resignation will be forwarded to the Prefect Gard.
Mayor presents various estimates for the installation of the terminal "top fill" for farmers. The company is CAPL whichever is the lowest price: € 12 352 HT. The application package of grants (80%) is handled by the Chamber of Agriculture.
The board unanimously approved.
The mayor said that the council is committed to the approach of the village in the Gard by resolution of March 3, 2010. Should continue in this process by voting to request subsidies attached this approach: 84 000 € to the General Council and 80 000 € at the Regional Council or 60% of eligible amount of € 280 000.
Deliberation approved unanimously.
Mayor presented the "Tender" and explains that the council shall proceed to authorize the Mayor to award a contract for project management (notice of appeal to competition, appropriate procedure) to select a "project manager "consisting of a landscape and a graduate of an engineering" Highways and other networks. " A publication will be sent in the press and the candidates will be asked to remove a file in city hall ..
Deliberation approved unanimously.
3 / Secure Parking: take stock of the work
The finishing Secure Parking: lighting and installation of video surveillance are scheduled from February 28.
4 / Feasibility Study of New Hamlet within the PLU
The Mayor explained that the PLU has been finally adopted by the Magistrate after judicial review, it should move to the operational phase by launching a feasibility study Hamlet again. He asked the Office of Education CEREG under the "market orders" to give us a quote for this study.
It recalls the objectives of this "new village", the main one being that the communal land, the sale will allow a free servicing, the provision of common plots for the youth of the town and the closure of water tower for the whole community. While allowing a second time in the subsequent opening of other areas located in the path of new networks. It is worth remembering that these goals were adopted unanimously (PADD guidelines November 24, 2006, decision of 27 April 2009).
5 / Work on the capture
The mayor presented the preliminary draft "Compliance of capturing Well Ardèche" for which grant applications are being processed. The estimate made by the firm CEREG Scope mounts between the near and immediate area to 64 000 € HT.
6 / rural families
The mayor recalls the construction of social utility which comes to an end: arranging passage for school bus parking lot and between the school and the parking of March 19: dismantling the old stone wall, enlargement, rebuilding a stone wall similar to wall of the school. The board deliberates
to assign operating subsidy requested by rural family as our flat-rate amount of this integration initiative of 2800 €.
7 / Technicality allowance for staff
The allocation of the premium end of the year for staff experienced this year can become sustainable and be given once a year following a multiplier between 1 and 8 if it takes the form of "compensation administration and Technicality "The IAT adjustable rate may vary based on criteria: how to use the agent, and assuidité availability, experience, duties performed, etc. .., it is pro rata to hours. The board deliberates
unanimously for the creation of such compensation.
8 / Other: Shelter
hunters: Alain CHENIVESSE President of the Society of Hunting "The St Hubert" has filed a request to establish a shelter for hunters and dismantled other users of nature. The board deliberates
favorably by 6 votes with one abstention: Ms. Annie Fricaud.
Line Cash: the mayor proposes to renew the overdraft facility of 25 000 € underwritten in 2010 and still unused in anticipation of payment of the work of secure parking (pending funding)
EPA St Julien: Grant Application funding for school activities and suburban school (school projects, day care, etc. ...) The council passed an aid of 200 €.
CHOIR "Voices of SI LA 'grant application. The Board notes that this association occurred in our community during the Fête de la Musique in 2009. It recognizes the usefulness This association whose members are some aiguézois but was against a grant
By cons will participate from time to time whether this association is involved in activities in our village.
sale status of the old pickup truck: the mayor proposes that the old truck was sold to the highest bidder and the state. It proposes to pass technical inspection before putting up for sale. Offers will be sent to the mayor in a sealed envelope. The vehicle can be visited by appointment with the council.
Hostel Saracen: the mayor received a letter from Mr. JULIAN liquidator informing us of the Listed on the hostel liquidation. The Board took note of this sale and the buyer wants follows the terms and communal access to the towers.
Program activities 2011: Mayor presents the provisional program of events planned for this summer. He hopes that the Councillors and members of associations and other volunteers are working in animation for the reputation of the village.
Lease of the crystal: the mayor proposes that the lease of the Crystal Thierry FABRE be re examined in its entirety and not by a simple revaluation of rent. He has already met Mr. Fabre who explained his plans.
Meals Alumni: Mireille Chabot contacted the restaurant "Chez David" to see if she was able to receive about fifty guests. Before the confirmation of this possibility it presents the menu offered. The board approves the choice of a local restaurant, hoping that the capacity of the restaurant is large enough. The proposed date is Sunday, March 13 at noon. The copyright holders (from birth year 1948) will be invited personally.
Preemptive right field with barn ARNAUD: The Board does not wish to use its right of first refusal on the sale of the barn ARNAUD
Cantonal elections of 20 and 27 March 2011:
Due to the spring market organized by the associations and the town hall, the voting will be held exceptionally in the hall of the old school for each round of voting.
8am to 10.30am: Roland Vincent, Didier BROWN, Annie Fricaud
10:30 to 13h: Marlene VINCENT, Gil Barrot, Ginette DUIVON
13h to 15h30: Jean-Paul Ventajol Roland VINCENT
15h30 to 18h: Mireille CHABOT, Gil BARROT
PBVF:. Mayor wishes to be accompanied by a member of the board for the General Assembly of the Most Beautiful Villages of France to be held on 1, 2 and 3 April 2011 in Sauveterre de Rouergue. Jean Ventajol agrees to participate. In our case, the expenses (travel, accommodation and food) are the responsibility of participants. The mayor has convened two meetings for al quality commission to which he belongs: on 24 and 25 June 2011 in Ste Suzanne (Mayenne) and 23 and September 24, 2011 at Roussillon (Vaucluse) On the occasion of expertise new candidate: MONTCLUS, our village will réexpertisé (with BALAZUC and VOGUE 07). A
Aiguèze February 18, 2011
Mayor Roland VINCENT
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