Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Invitation For Farewell Party Wording

I have fed up the Corporate ...

When I worked for newspapers not pathetic, I am the Corporate. Corporate, for the uneducated who can not (there are many) is when you bump for companies that are not news. These people, you're forced to be nice to them because that's who look like customers. Morality're also forced to endure their whims and their demands through clenched teeth with a smile (it's difficult). The trouble is that after he is calling you their accounts to make you shit your notes with AGESSA rights and say they can not pay you without VAT. If you think you found a solution by asking a friend who has a box of communication to the port (to charge you), you're gourres. Your (now former) boyfriend will file for bankruptcy (before have you paid) and you crash like shit and you never again see the color of your dough. In addition, if it is, his wife will block and you'll be more compelled to console or to prevent him from committing suicide ...

After you can take revenge on others, when you work as a journalist, making them dive in the middle of December in the icy water of the Seine or telling them that their digital camera they just bought, well, it's crap and that you have read in "Chasseur d'Images". You can add that since they bought it (a week ago), there another much better and much cheaper that came out to finish them off. It's fun and it lets you go home tonight with the feeling of accomplishment, before contemplating overwhelmed your photos on your crappy screen Mac just yellow. Then you can show for a drink at the bar and holding forth before an armada of chicks in heat by telling your memories of great stories, by showing your scars you're done (for a skate on wheels when you were small. If! sometimes it works).

Frozen Piglet

it makes me think that I have not always fulfilled my press card file.
instead of writing bullshit, I'd better take care of it.


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