Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Average Basketball Court


Tuesday, February 15 I attended a meeting in St REMEZE about caves protected and monitored by the presence SGGA officials Speleological Committee of the Ardèche département, Philippe Galant DRAC and Jean-Marie Chauvet of the DRAC Rhône Alps inventor of the Chauvet cave. A presentation of the 28 monitored cavities was made.

I take this opportunity to let you read below the article published on the website of SGGA:

The Union Management Gorges de l'Ardeche and the Departmental Committee of Speleology denounce the Ardèche ...
In recent months, acts of vandalism were reported in several caves in the gorges of Ardeche: doors vandalized, archaeological sites "visited" if taken ... The
SGGA, which manages the National Nature Reserve Gorges de l'Ardeche, and CDS 07 can only condemn these acts which undermine the unique heritage of the Gorges.
is why the CDS 07 to SGGA joins in this appeal.
Certainly freedom of practice of an activity such as caving is a strong concept, but this freedom can not ignore the rules of conduct guaranteeing a better preservation of this heritage. In 2002, the General Assembly of the French Federation of Speleology has adopted a charter recalling the main principles governing compliance with which is the best guarantor of that freedom of practice.
Cavers strongly contribute to the improvement of scientific knowledge, particularly in areas such as the Gorges. They are therefore the primary guarantors of the preservation of this heritage. The
SGGA, aware of this, plays the card of dialogue with the world caving, rather than imposing unilateral closure of caves for environmental reasons (presence of bats in particular) and archaeological, the latter being treated equally with state services. And when closed, when appropriate, is a concerted and appropriate with the Departmental Committee Speleology and all partners concerned. Moreover, these cases of closures accompanied management procedures (authorization of visits for cavers, with or without accompaniment as appropriate), as well as educational and communication activities to explain the reason for the closure. In
Nature Reserve, work together has helped to develop means of protection adapted to graduate and environmental and social issues with such cave Ivy (simply by making access more difficult for hikers), the Aven Christmas (managed by the association ARSPAN) or the balm of the Bells (Closed consultation for the protection of bats).
To achieve this more formal process of consultation, the SGGA currently working on a draft agreement with the CDS 07. If
acts recorded in recent weeks come taint this approach, everyone is well aware that these are only isolated incidents and not representative of the general mood of the caving world today .
This first joint statement is proof of the will of the two structures move together for the preservation of a common good. The Union
Management Gorges de l'Ardeche,
The Steering Committee of CDS 07
Posted by Bénédicte RAOUX


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