Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Jobs In Psychology Field 2010


The year 2011 was proclaimed by the Council of Ministers and European Parliament "European Year of voluntary activities to promote active citizenship. In France, this year will honor the millions of volunteers and volunteers who daily give of their time, their energies, their skills to the brotherhood, solidarity and life in the city.
opportunity to celebrate the work of the 100 million European volunteers and recognize their civic engagement, but also to encourage all Europeans who have yet to become a volunteer! A slogan throughout Europe: "Make a difference: volunteer! "
France can boast of being European champion of volunteering and voluntary action (it's always fun). Indeed 4 of 5 associations are managed exclusively by volunteers. Let
190 associations created per day (70,000 per year, 1 million in business associations), and 12 million volunteers (including 3.5 million regular volunteers who give at least two hours per week in an association) which are recognized at the government level by the ministry of community life. But alas, the number of volunteers does not appear to increase. Elements gleaned on the Internet:

For our village, we encourage volunteerism and the associational life that are actively involved in communal life, fame and notoriety of the AIGUEZE aiguézois and many friends in neighboring villages. The very fact of being a volunteer implies that n 'expects nothing in return. I perceive my job as mayor which shows that those who do nothing for the community are not exposed to criticism
While those working on the front of the scene are first Online! I take this opportunity to call for volunteers who have realized that by example and include the medieval festival was important to the whole village, she could not proceed without them and than they would derive no personal benefit if the satisfaction of having worked for the common good (and yet ... some critics ... with envy!)
So I encourage you to participate in activities organized by associations or town hall in the only to serve the village!


Preview dune AYGUEDINE publication of the March 4, 1983:
"It is time that the development of our village has been achieved thanks to the initiative, had volunteered and courage of a team :
1972: Repair of retaining the molting Escalo (access to Ardèche), making the game balls, clearing planes enclosed in tar.
1973: facade of City Hall
1974: replacing old street lights with lanterns (paid by some aiguézois)
1075: restoration of the towers
1076: recaladage half the high street
1977: recaladage al main street to the square
1978: recaladage Street (currently Combe birds)
1979: recaladage the street from the mill and place of Church. Planting an olive tree from 10 years of age.
1979: cleaning and planting trees on the plot DUFOUR the intersection with the D901
1980: restoration of the walkway "The Castelas" and planting oleanders.
1981: construction of a wall along the Escalo and cleaning of the stairs.

AYGUEDINE Office from 1972 to 1976:
Speaker: Michel Borgnat
Secretary: Hervé Ventajol
Treasurer: George Jarnias
Other members: George CHABOT, Guy Panosetti Monique GONSSARD

Office from 1976 to 1981: President
: Herbé Ventajol
Secretary: Monique GONSSARD
Treasurer: George Jarnias
Other members: George CHABOT, Guy Panosetti "


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