Saturday, February 19, 2011

Indian Grocery Shop Leeds

Theatre St Julian's belugo Peyrolas

is a stunning one-man show "(and bald too)! Francis has succeeded Bartholomew .

Over an hour occupation of the solo scene is giving itself the reply, without hesitation, without mixing in the timeline, without seeking the blower!

Deputy Mayor Dave PONT ST ESPRIT, President BELUGO this show.

After Jean-Marie DAVER said "Dave" had made as President of the artist Francis BELUGO Bartholomew, his wife change of scenery: Maryse Dumas Bernard's governors and cherry on the cake is the author part: Roger Lombardot residing in Ardeche who was present for this first performance, the artist embarked on his endless tirade ...

Roger Lombardot author and actor Francis Bartholomew met with applause.

The hall was full of St Julian and fully studious. Hat the actor, the author hat! And hope many more performances of this piece: LETTER CHILD.

Francis and his assistant Mary preferred.


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