D years the trade press photographer, maintain your professional network is the infancy of art. Unless we call you or Diane Arbus, Helmut Newton or Frozen Piglet and Jean-Loup Sieff ... Ben yeah kes you have? - All people known for their immense talent (well, those still alive) and lack of availability, since the whole world wants to work with them (at any price), you, you're a crevard comes begging for a job. You must therefore maintain cordial relations with people arrogant, conceited and incompetent. Ok. Fortunately not always ... but often, very often.
Morality , you should consider icono or anyone who might slip you a job better than a friend. It's a customer! After the person who places the orders, the largest of the land is the amount of spotty 120 kg (Y'a in accounting table) t'envisage who, behind his glasses to Social Security and its stern, like a worm, a nobody, an open bitumen, a freelancer, a nuisance. Ask him news of her cat and the cutting of green plant of 2 meters, it is grown for 3 years in a bottle of Volvic halved ... If on holiday in his family to Bournemouth, moved him to water it (not the accountant. ... The green plant), and thee to good. After there are growing professionalism to give them one (Yes! I knew Oh it's going eh!). Personally, I do not recommend it. It starts like this and ... one ends up getting put on. But YMMV.
Frozen Piglet
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