The mayor received the village's population by presenting a retrospective of the events of the past year as a video projection of over 400 images and then projected forward first movie promotion in the village made by the association of the Most Beautiful Villages of France.
Then he spoke a few words to remind the main achievements and those for the new year. The main operation is the approach to the label "Villages du Gard" which will in 4 years off grants of 280 000 € not negligible in this period of austerity.
He urged people to be present for all tasks of organizing events in particular medieval feast days and host villagers, and during public meetings of preparation or review of activities.
He also wanted an active participation in working groups led by the Departmental Committee of the Gard, and CAUE General Council on developments in the village in its tourism development to the label "Villages du Gard." Finally, he gave the floor to the Mayor of St. Martin, came as a neighbor and friend, who congratulated the aiguézois for their dynamism.
Deans: Robert DE BALM TRAXEL and Julienne are not present, the Social Affairs Assistant Mireille CHABOT they will make a visit to give them a small parcel and pay tribute.
The evening ended with a hearty appetizer.
The mayor's speech:
"Thank you for responding to our traditional invitation of January. I wish you all my best wishes for happiness and health in this new year.
I also thank Louis JEANNIN, Mayor of neighboring St. Martin, with whom we work more and better in the best interest of our respective villages.
The economic situation has not been brilliant in 2010 which does not hinder us to achieve some work: new treatment plant with St Julien, transporting our waste and connection of new subscribers, local acquisition of Laundry and terrain, Getting Started with the realization of secure car parking which will become a communal reserved to those entitled to carry a badge.
2011 promises to be as difficult as 2010 mainly to the level of state appropriations and grants from the General Board and the Regional Council. Fortunately, we engage in the process of village in the Gard, which will allow us to enjoy our adaptation to tourism grant exceptional (280 000 € in four years). It is because we are one of the most beautiful villages in France, receiving more visitors than Goudargues not yet misplaced, we were allowed in this quality initiative.
Public meetings will define the desired layout, then they will be controlled by a desktop study, scheduled over four years, their achievement will be recognized by the label "village in the Gard." We had already anticipated from the specification of this operation: landfill, information point, public lighting castellas, illumination of the tower, parking, villages in Bloom contest, Heritage Day Country and great animation of the village with the feast medieval and even hiring a policeman intercommunal.
2011 will see the continuation of this work: enlargement Road between the school and the parking lot to allow school transportation buses and coaches Edgar boarding and drop off passengers without problems laborers toiling in the midst of cars, late gestation elephantine PLU which will result in the next few days, extension of networks to new buildings, etc. ... and always animations: since the 2nd Festival of bread (Culture and Recreation), the antique fair (Hall and culture and leisure), the Heritage Day of countries ( Town Hall), the medieval festival (Hall and associations) and the Festival Flamenco (Aiguèze animations), days home village (Town Hall) the pumpkin festival and the feast of harvest (the brainy mice) through cooperation between associations, City Hall and the volunteers who want to work for our village.
We continue avoiding as is the case for several years to increase local taxes to preserve heritage especially in collaboration with organizations eg Church for listed building that receives a large number of visitors each year (over 11,000 items per year!), define a project for the premises of the old spinning caladage discretion and commissioning networks Street vallat with the Community of Commons and enhance the beauty and functionality of our village with CAUE and Tourist Board.
In conclusion I invite you to participate by your presence at many public meetings and preparation of balance that we organize throughout the year, meetings with the TDC and CAUE approach for "Villages du gard to the tasks of installation of various events and meetings with our host tourists during the day. I do not want the few good wishes including me do not get tired or discouraged. I count on you to participate actively in the life of our village. Thank you in advance for your help.
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