Saturday, January 15, 2011

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There is not a week , Michele Alliot Marie wanted to send to export SRC enTunisie the "French savoir-faire" in policing. Meanwhile, a French photographer, he also (Lucas Dolega Agency EPA - can see his photos here ) has taken a grenade firing lacrymo tense in the eye in a demonstration in Tunis . This boy of 32 years will perhaps lose his life. At best, it will remain crippled. Huh? What? Who said: "France is not it happen?!"

Before we rolled out the red carpet for Ben Ali at the Elysee. Yeah, it was before!
now, "it provides strong support to the democratic will of the Tunisian people" ...
During that time, Ben Ali arrived in Saudi Arabia, welcomed by the authorities as befits someone of his rank. Part of his entourage was housed on the side of Euro Disney (must have some diversion!). But fortunately, as the spokesman of the government, these people are not meant to remain in France.

The last time we heard it was for Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc) is still there after 24 years ... (Surprise! I just learned that he has arrived in Haiti to "help rebuild"! What do you laugh anyway ...)
Good must also say that it had happened in Paris with $ 900 million in his suitcase and his accounts, the guy. Just in case. We laugh not with that by cons.
Among Us, adventurers from 21 century are in turmoil. They wonder whether they are well able to go to Djerba (sweet) in their hotel club to 400 € per week all inclusive and test their latest digital camera, with the sunshine which they are promised.

That's life is like that

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Lucas Dolega photojournalist of 32 years died of his wounds today, January 17 at 13:30 hours from Tunis. He was killed by the Tunisian police while working on the events that led to the downfall of Ben Ali and his family.


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