Monday, January 24, 2011

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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

January 19, 2011

The City Council met Wednesday, January 19, 2011 at 18:30 under the chairmanship of Mayor Roland VINCENT.
Present: Ginette DUIVON, Mireille CHABOT, VINCENT Marlene., Barrot Gil Ventajol Jean-Paul. BROWN Didier Fricaud Annie DELLA LIBERA Stephanie
Absent: Pascal BALM
Secretary: Mireille CHABOT

The mayor presented the defense submitted by our lawyer Maitre Guillaume MERLAND (Lysias Partners law firm in MONTPELLIER).

2 / deliberately altered FOR TRANSFER OF CREDIT balance accounts
Mayor proposes a deliberately modified No. 2 on the general budget. It is a transfer of funds from the surplus account to the account deficit D 6554 D 012 "Personnel expenses" amounting to € 7,000.

3 / TOP FILLING: Validation location
Following the site visit by Yves NEGRIER of the Chamber of Agriculture, the proposed sites in the first instance are not carefully chosen. The mayor then proposed field Suau provided that the facilities are relatively unobtrusive. This site meets all the criteria functionality for users and meets regulatory requirements. However this site has to be validated by the Department of Gard DDTM Water and aquatic environments.

Mayor proposes that the current municipal truck crumbling or replaced on account of the 2010 budget surplus. An opportunity is given to the Council by a contractor out of business who offers his vehicle FORD Transit 2006, 46 000 km for 13 000 €. The Board wishes to compare before deciding definitively.

Centre of Public Management Region Gard informs us that the contract of insurance against financial risks in respect of personal (death, disability, disability, accident or other service) expires December 31, 2011. He suggested that we renew our contract by agreement with the Management Centre for a period of 4 years with effect from 1 January 2012.
deliberation unanimously.

Our town must decide on the request for withdrawal of the Commune of St. PAUL LES FONTS SIESB of Service (Transportation School to Schools Second degree Bagnols sur Ceze).
deliberation unanimously.

Aiguèze the Mayor 20/01/2011

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Office Breakfast Potluck

D years the trade press photographer, maintain your professional network is the infancy of art. Unless we call you or Diane Arbus, Helmut Newton or Frozen Piglet and Jean-Loup Sieff ... Ben yeah kes you have? - All people known for their immense talent (well, those still alive) and lack of availability, since the whole world wants to work with them (at any price), you, you're a crevard comes begging for a job. You must therefore maintain cordial relations with people arrogant, conceited and incompetent. Ok. Fortunately not always ... but often, very often.
Morality , you should consider icono or anyone who might slip you a job better than a friend. It's a customer! After the person who places the orders, the largest of the land is the amount of spotty 120 kg (Y'a in accounting table) t'envisage who, behind his glasses to Social Security and its stern, like a worm, a nobody, an open bitumen, a freelancer, a nuisance. Ask him news of her cat and the cutting of green plant of 2 meters, it is grown for 3 years in a bottle of Volvic halved ... If on holiday in his family to Bournemouth, moved him to water it (not the accountant. ... The green plant), and thee to good. After there are growing professionalism to give them one (Yes! I knew Oh it's going eh!). Personally, I do not recommend it. It starts like this and ... one ends up getting put on. But YMMV.

Frozen Piglet

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Receding Gums Crest White Strips

Exceptional closing

The library will be closed on Tuesday 1 and Wednesday, February 2 due to computerization and cataloging stock ... Yep: Farewell small cards that astounded many customers, and good bar codes! Finished the book fund, and hello to the beeping of the scanner! Good
see the good sides: it will greatly simplify our "stock management", after 6 years (yes already!) Spent with our little cards.


And after:

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"Litany," a puppet show by Malika Gessinn

The Friday, February 4 to 19 hours , we welcome curiosity and the puppet show for adults Litany of Malika Gessin from litanies of Jacques Rebotier (editions of Crossbow)

poet, composer, creator unclassifiable Jacques Rebotier takes pleasure in transgressing the conventions to "get some air in the head." A word
revitalizing the intersection of poetry, music and humor necessary to move our senses and our minds.

His "Litany", small repetitive prayers to say the recurrent disorder from without and from within, give us a succession of words carved, placed like jewels or released as shells to give us our news.

Malika Gessinn, comedian, puppeteer, proposes an adaptation of those texts for adults and adolescents: A puppet

, white, naked, plays with the power of levity about.
Worn by the word of his manipulative, she flirts with the tragic and opposes resistance without ever losing his sense of humor and vivacity.

find an article here Nail in the board.

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New change of opening hours

Now the library is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 to 19 hours ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Evening with the journal Blood Ink

Hello everyone!
's it, we start the evening at the bookstore after a few months of intensive Nursery Necessities ...
We are pleased to welcome Friday, January 28 at 19:30 our friends the journal Blood Ink , to celebrate the release of No. 114. They will share some texts read.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

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A Time no more ... Make

" Make a photo, it takes what? an hour ... no more! "
me he said.
This guy, I have the phone about a shot that must be done in the Paris region. He has a job that has nothing to see up close or from afar with the picture or communication. He asked me to make a cover photo for a brochure for a very big box that lives on public procurement. I give him a quote, I'm too expensive ... Air 1000 once heard.
"We do not know where we are going with this document, it is constantly evolving and we do not really budget picture ..." it makes me "and then you know, if all goes well, we probably still be working together ..." Air 10 000 times heard. It was he who made all the pictures of the inside pages with a compact. Like an idiot, I'll make 20% on already not much not to upset my girlfriend gave me this graphic sent.

I warned yesterday that the picture will be outdoors in the suburbs at 8.00am.
I get up at 6:00.
I arrive it's dark. 2 ° C and it rains. Too cool ...
The guy who was asked is not there, it takes another.
It is too small, we pushed on a box, it makes the mouth.
I see that my sensor also makes the mouth it is full of dust everywhere.
The shooting lasted 3:30 + 1:30 + 2:30 jalopy post-production and trade by mail crappy.

"Make a picture what it takes? One hour no more! "... And your sister
? It takes how much?

Frozen Piglet

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Is Ativan And Lunesta The Same

shit ... Hotel Club

Since some time, I'm more really interesting stuff (other than writing shit on internet). I tinker, I cure nose scratching my ass. I contemplate the work of other photographers with envy. Them, they are full of stuff and me nothing. I feel like a filmmaker who would have cinoche porn movies his entire life dreaming of secretly filming a real movie one day before dying. A road movie B & W with an intimate atmosphere, actresses in mini skirts, convertibles (cars, not girls, a lot of perverts!). With a soundtrack of jazz. Chet Baker, or something like that ...

" Well ... It's when you exchange the dish of cat that stinks and you go down the garbage?! " it makes me Ms. Piglet
Really, this girl knows nothing about art.

Frozen Piglet

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Male Cruising Etequette


The mayor received the village's population by presenting a retrospective of the events of the past year as a video projection of over 400 images and then projected forward first movie promotion in the village made by the association of the Most Beautiful Villages of France.

Then he spoke a few words to remind the main achievements and those for the new year. The main operation is the approach to the label "Villages du Gard" which will in 4 years off grants of 280 000 € not negligible in this period of austerity.

He urged people to be present for all tasks of organizing events in particular medieval feast days and host villagers, and during public meetings of preparation or review of activities.

He also wanted an active participation in working groups led by the Departmental Committee of the Gard, and CAUE General Council on developments in the village in its tourism development to the label "Villages du Gard." Finally, he gave the floor to the Mayor of St. Martin, came as a neighbor and friend, who congratulated the aiguézois for their dynamism.

Deans: Robert DE BALM TRAXEL and Julienne are not present, the Social Affairs Assistant Mireille CHABOT they will make a visit to give them a small parcel and pay tribute.

The evening ended with a hearty appetizer.

The mayor's speech:

"Thank you for responding to our traditional invitation of January. I wish you all my best wishes for happiness and health in this new year.

I also thank Louis JEANNIN, Mayor of neighboring St. Martin, with whom we work more and better in the best interest of our respective villages.

The economic situation has not been brilliant in 2010 which does not hinder us to achieve some work: new treatment plant with St Julien, transporting our waste and connection of new subscribers, local acquisition of Laundry and terrain, Getting Started with the realization of secure car parking which will become a communal reserved to those entitled to carry a badge.

2011 promises to be as difficult as 2010 mainly to the level of state appropriations and grants from the General Board and the Regional Council. Fortunately, we engage in the process of village in the Gard, which will allow us to enjoy our adaptation to tourism grant exceptional (280 000 € in four years). It is because we are one of the most beautiful villages in France, receiving more visitors than Goudargues not yet misplaced, we were allowed in this quality initiative.

Public meetings will define the desired layout, then they will be controlled by a desktop study, scheduled over four years, their achievement will be recognized by the label "village in the Gard." We had already anticipated from the specification of this operation: landfill, information point, public lighting castellas, illumination of the tower, parking, villages in Bloom contest, Heritage Day Country and great animation of the village with the feast medieval and even hiring a policeman intercommunal.

2011 will see the continuation of this work: enlargement Road between the school and the parking lot to allow school transportation buses and coaches Edgar boarding and drop off passengers without problems laborers toiling in the midst of cars, late gestation elephantine PLU which will result in the next few days, extension of networks to new buildings, etc. ... and always animations: since the 2nd Festival of bread (Culture and Recreation), the antique fair (Hall and culture and leisure), the Heritage Day of countries ( Town Hall), the medieval festival (Hall and associations) and the Festival Flamenco (Aiguèze animations), days home village (Town Hall) the pumpkin festival and the feast of harvest (the brainy mice) through cooperation between associations, City Hall and the volunteers who want to work for our village.

We continue avoiding as is the case for several years to increase local taxes to preserve heritage especially in collaboration with organizations eg Church for listed building that receives a large number of visitors each year (over 11,000 items per year!), define a project for the premises of the old spinning caladage discretion and commissioning networks Street vallat with the Community of Commons and enhance the beauty and functionality of our village with CAUE and Tourist Board.

In conclusion I invite you to participate by your presence at many public meetings and preparation of balance that we organize throughout the year, meetings with the TDC and CAUE approach for "Villages du gard to the tasks of installation of various events and meetings with our host tourists during the day. I do not want the few good wishes including me do not get tired or discouraged. I count on you to participate actively in the life of our village. Thank you in advance for your help.

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There is not a week , Michele Alliot Marie wanted to send to export SRC enTunisie the "French savoir-faire" in policing. Meanwhile, a French photographer, he also (Lucas Dolega Agency EPA - can see his photos here ) has taken a grenade firing lacrymo tense in the eye in a demonstration in Tunis . This boy of 32 years will perhaps lose his life. At best, it will remain crippled. Huh? What? Who said: "France is not it happen?!"

Before we rolled out the red carpet for Ben Ali at the Elysee. Yeah, it was before!
now, "it provides strong support to the democratic will of the Tunisian people" ...
During that time, Ben Ali arrived in Saudi Arabia, welcomed by the authorities as befits someone of his rank. Part of his entourage was housed on the side of Euro Disney (must have some diversion!). But fortunately, as the spokesman of the government, these people are not meant to remain in France.

The last time we heard it was for Jean-Claude Duvalier (Baby Doc) is still there after 24 years ... (Surprise! I just learned that he has arrived in Haiti to "help rebuild"! What do you laugh anyway ...)
Good must also say that it had happened in Paris with $ 900 million in his suitcase and his accounts, the guy. Just in case. We laugh not with that by cons.
Among Us, adventurers from 21 century are in turmoil. They wonder whether they are well able to go to Djerba (sweet) in their hotel club to 400 € per week all inclusive and test their latest digital camera, with the sunshine which they are promised.

That's life is like that

Frozen Piglet

Lucas Dolega photojournalist of 32 years died of his wounds today, January 17 at 13:30 hours from Tunis. He was killed by the Tunisian police while working on the events that led to the downfall of Ben Ali and his family.

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People are evil ...

© Author Unknown

... You know !

Gerard Filoche, Labour Inspector
In a letter to AFP

" It is very problematic in an agency like yours, your prestige and your importance, the level of insecurity is so high. This is a bad example to the rest of the press . "

ago today less than 2,000 inspectors and supervisors to work
16 million employees in the private sector in France.

Fozen Piglet

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Asperger Misdiagnosed School


team "Rural Families" rehabilitation agency that works in recent years with the municipality for development work in heritage was given the responsibility to make a stone retaining wall around Parking in the village entrance.

Under the command of Bruno and Jean-Pierre in charge of coaching the team formed to work, teamwork, skill of masonry in real situations. Construction has been quickly followed by John Ventajol for mayor and Jean-Pierre Lavastrie in logistical support.

Thank rural families who participated in many projects concerning heritage on the town: clearing, securing ruins Boriani along the river, restoration of the furnace de la Roquette, rejoitoiement the wall of the former school, etc. ...

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Blonde Beautiful Agony Forum


The public meeting called by the Mayor was well attended. He was involved in the preparation of the 6th MEDIEVAL FESTIVAL or ... drop.

Mayor recalled the challenges of the medieval festival in terms of image of the village of fame stating that such event is part of the process characteristic villages of Gard and his fame spread from year to year. He was comforted by his advocacy interventions Laurence Perrot's Office of Tourism and Daniel Bakalem Chairman of the commission Valcèzard tourism.

Despite the withdrawal of the association "And two hands," the mayor, the association Culture and Recreation, and volunteers have decided unanimously to continue this important event. It will be held the last weekend of June: Saturday 25 and Sunday, June 26

officials of different commissions have been appointed and will begin work to make proposals that will be validated by future meetings.

Good luck to all!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Counters For Myspace For Relationships


The office of the choir "Voices of SI LA" Aiguèze had met in the hall of the old school at the invitation of John Ventajol Councillor and Vice President of the choir.

Based in Pont St Esprit, it comprises 35 singers, half live in surrounding villages.

These include the number of animations of the choir for 2009/2010: concerts in Pont St Esprit St Paulet de cabinet, Vénéjan St Victor La Coste, Aiguèze (music festival) and Goudargues.

hope that the mayors asked to subsidize this association agree to help balance its budget.

Office with President JP chisels, Vice-Chairpersons: Serge Richard and Jean-Paul Ventajol

Friday, January 7, 2011

Jeans Wear Wall Paper

David Vincent has seen them!

It been a long that photographers from the Sunday trumpeted on the forums they had sold 3 pictures with the microstocks bring more. Their pitiful images lie now a thousand feet deep buried in the production of professionals who crisscross the area. Over time, the stock photo industry, odorless, colorless and tasteless resumed his duties in the image banks of 1 €. Types have set up factories to produce these photos and have rolled the market. Agencies figure caught between the microstocks and Flickr have taken on the chin and unless micro niches to occupy, they are doomed to disappear.

Images stock is everything I hate. They describe an imaginary world populated by reactionary and many clones frozen smile. When you see their heads, one wonders if they happen to dress away from the Redoubt or to popo (just as the invaders of David Vincent). They spend their time to stand shoulder by a 5 to a single computer, laughing and shaking ladle everywhere. They also grow plants in their hands (the blow, I do not know how they water them ...). In this society, no bullying, no union issue. The old are young and never sick. In any case they have all have a great mutual and never decay. Even the unemployed are split pear, while happy to have found a "multimedia training" employment center. All this is the exact opposite of photojournalism that attempts to show the real and everyday life. But it costs so much less expensive.

Frozen Piglet

" invaders. These strange beings from another planet. Their destination: the Earth. Their goal: to make their universe. David Vincent has seen them. For him, it all started on a dark night along a lonely country road, while looking for a shortcut that he never found. It began with an abandoned inn, and a man that lack of sleep made him too tired to continue his journey. It began with the landing of a craft from another galaxy. Now David Vincent knows that the Invaders its there, they took human form, and that he must convince a disbelieving world that the nightmare has already begun. "

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Close Should The Coffee Table Be To The Couch

10% of SMIC

" The average salary of a Chinese is 10% of minimum wage and they are happy. What the Chinese who earn ten times Unless we find the pleasure of work, to want to move, it should make us want to grow. That's what we're missing (...) It is assisted . " Jacques Seguela, January 4, 2010, on BFM TV.

Jacques ? You got all your quarters?
I think the time has come ... Jacques

Frozen Piglet

In fact. Bravo for your legion of honor awarded by Sarkozy and also the logo of job center that has cost us 500,000 euros and sorry for the cancellation of the permit to build your villa in Corsica 568m2. People are jealous you know ...

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Funny Wedding Invitation Message

mach 11 = 743.19 m 3 / s

C his week in Paris-Match , a series of beautiful Isabelle Adjani barely edited by Ellen Von Unverth (What Valerie Boyer, the member UMP, Dammit!?). Otherwise a paper on a Portuguese photographer, Joao Silva, who stepped on a landmine in Afghanistan, with amputation of both legs. I noticed that zigouillés photographers who take 3 balls in the buffet or those who jump on a mine, it's quite interested in Paris-Match. Yeah! Must see the need to perpetuate the legend of this commitment to the weekly press photo.
We lived in the land, the report said. Not the stuff of queer as the marriage of Eddie Barclay. Stay well, according to the article Match, the photographer who has just lost his two legs "continues to strafe" after being dropped. Yeah! He will not miss his scoop in Paris-Match for so little guy! You're stupid or what? He "shot". It's a war reporter. Get it! In addition
photographer in question has been fortunate in his misfortune. Si! "His Canon mach 11 (sic) has been broken by shrapnel that could kill or disfigure" ...

Canon mach 11??
Kes is KSA??
It should be a model for special armored war reporters-or something like that ... I knew those bastards were not the same stuff as us! That's why they make good pictures. It's fake!
Oh, no! Looking at the photo of the Canon on the magazine, we see immediately that this is a 5D MKII!
Oh okay! Mach 11, MKII, you're not shitting us a clock, it's the same!
Ok I understand. If it is, Canon is not even the advertiser duck, then it will not do shit.
My advice to Paris-Match: The next time, then put an ad next to the Canon section. Like-it, we too can "strafe" like the pros!

Frozen Piglet

What To Say In Welcoming Wedding Guests


MARDISSAC Near the creek, beaver attacked in force dux huge poplars that 'they planing a little more each day. Interesting to see