Saturday, March 20, 2010

Note To Pastor After A Funeral

Reading S. Chiambretto / Cie Lever du Jour

monthly reading given by the company Daybreak will be exceptionally 1st Friday of the month of April, the Friday, April 2 to 19 hours . Actors
we will hear the final text published by the talented Sonia Chiambretto (an author that we like very much at the bookstore) Priority Education Zone , edited by Actes Sud-Papiers .
The company will be invited Sarah Roussel the company Candela , Marie-Paule Gesta the company on or dream and Gaƫlle Levallois.

"Two teenage girls we are in the eye, a guided tour of their school under the control of CCTV cameras. In a race punctuated by bells, calls to the microphone, blows whistle and, Kate, Bone and others play of language, set the framework and inventing a new geometry of space.

Sonia Chiambretto lives mainly in Manosque. She has been working 1999 to the lineup of films dating from Digne and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence. At the crossroads of several artistic disciplines, it offers regular readings / performances and also published in journals of poetry. "


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