Reading Beckett / A. Suter On Wednesday, March 24 to 19 hours :" Sources, Suites and endgames "Samuel Beckett texts read in bilingual Antony Suter ...
Samuel Beckett: precursors and progeny
Who May Tell Tale Of The old man ? weigh absence in a scale? want mete With A span? The Sum Assess of the World's Woes? nothingness enclosed in words?
can tell
history of old?
weigh the absence in the balance?
measure the lack of a bridge?
estimate the amount
misfortunes of the world?
the nothingness
enclose words? In an essay entitled "Kafka's Precursors," Jorge Luis Borges (Labyrinths ) poses the problem of the predecessors of an author. He suggests that it is somehow Kafka himself, who created his own literary ancestors, highlighting in his novels similarities with their works. From there, we tried to gather some basic texts:
Gerard de Nerval, the sonnet, "Artemis";
Arthur Rimbaud, "The Drunken Boat" / "Drunken Boat", translated by Beckett
Marcel Proust In Search of Lost Time (early) CK Scott Moncrieff translation of Remembrance of Things Past , Swann's Way ;
James Joyce "Anna Livia Plurabelle" alleging Finnegan's Wake , tr. Beckett
Paul Eluard, Poems (translated Samuel Beckett).
Everything will be decorated with a special toast recipe Beckett and a presentation of culinary tastes of René Descartes. We have refined our choice of texts to include some of Beckett's literary offspring: Nancy Huston Limbo / Limbo ; and Eva Figes, Bedsitter , translation French Nathalie Vincent-Arnaud.
Our program will also be dotted with poems by Beckett, including excerpts from Whoroscope , and will be mainly in bilingual. One of the essential qualities of Beckett's work involves the crossing of languages.
Lady Love
She Is standing on my lids And Her Hair Is In My Hair, She Has The Colour Of My Eye, She Has the body of my hand. In my shade She Is Engulfed as Stone Against the sky. She Will Never closed Her Eyes And She Does not let me sleep
And Her dreams in the bright day Makes the suns evaporate, And me laugh cry laugh, Speak When I Have Nothing To Say.
Lady Love
She stands on my eyelids,
Her hair in my hair.
It is shades of my eye,
She has the body of my hand,
She rushes into my shadow
Like a stone against the sky.
She never closes her eyes
And she will not let me sleep. And his
dreams to light the day disappear
Font suns,
Make me laugh cry and laugh, Speak
when I have nothing to say.
Translation of poems cited Beckett Anthony Suter
AS, October 2009